Hello Fam

                Uncle Carl is back on again after going through a whole year (2019) without actually serving  you with the juices due to some controversial issues i had going on  but hey i am back and i wish you all and myself a wonderful and marvellous new year. 

To begin,  going through the internet this morning i can't really help the feeling but i am smiling and i know some of you are too seeing the face of the newly crowned Miss Cameroon Audrey Monkam an amazing soul filled with confidence and charisma from the North West Region.  Its been a tragic year for our brothers and sisters who live down there but atleast one of our daughters still flies our flag high out there.
Miss Cameroon 2019 Audrey Monkam

However, i don't really go with the trail not because she dosent deserve it (don't get me wrong she surely deserves it) but we are in Cameroon and everything at this point i feel is centered around politics. It's no doubt these people are trying so hard to mask the felony they propel yet  situations seems to aggreviate as currently they have been yanked by several international bodies due to all the catastrophies committed in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon.

To make my point clear, obviously this event was surely viewed by several people in the diaspora and Cameroon is on their watchlist so these people know so and as such have to wiggle their way up as some rightful judges when we know its a jungle we are in and they are out for their own terms ( do anything you can to secure your sit). You all can fit into my shoes when it concerns us loosing when obviously speaking we had to win but they are soo biased they look at you with a smile and in their hearts they be like ( une Bamenda comme sa) and give it to where they feel like too. They are false in every " vote for a winner"  kind of situation i never trust these people when it comes to voting you vote when the winner they know already........ why should we vote then( we are the sheeps they are the shepherds) they control we follow but give us the impression we have a say when.........
Will love to ask you guys a question,  if this award was organised lets say in a midst of no crisis, what are they chances  Audrey Monkam would have emerged a winner ?

This whole thing i think dosent feel right as they are trying to cover up their tracks.The want us to accept the special status and if possibly stop crisis( i don't love the situation faced down there either i believe a pen and paper is better than a gun and bullet)  so they can confortably remain on their thrones in peace ( now they are in a pot of beans imagine the fire you have to put in to get it ready) and keep the international bodies off their trail.

To conclude, congratulations to her(why do i think a million is small like Valery Atia said, i think 5 million would have worked magic we got the money a million from them is like giving a hundred FCFA to your kid to buy biscuit) wish her more wins in the future and hope she can use her status to carry out and take brave decisions.

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