He specifically pointed out one of Cameroon’s finest artist Magasco and went further to say even if Magasco and his whole family engage in ‘famla’ (a local word for money rituals), he won’t still be able to make $25,000.
Clearly annoyed by the mention of his name and that of his family, Magasco replied saying
“I do music for the passion not the MONEY Am thankful for my Gift of talent which is priceless thanks for the encouragement and keeping my name off ur mouth.God bless my husle.”
However, another Cameroonian artist and Calabash Music record label owner Wax Dey, was not satisfied with Magasco’s response and took to his Facebook page to post the following
Still on the same drama, co-owner of kreef entertainment Ebangha Njang, came hard on Njeric telling him to STFU. See her post below.
Kamerwaves cannot understand the reasons why Dj Djeric attacked Magasco since he claims he has never had any business dealings with Magasco. Was is just some cheap controversy to boost his ratings? Or was it just for fun as he claims? Well , our industry is growing pretty fast and all one can do is support these artists working so hard day and night to put Kamer on the entertainment map.
Source : kamervibe