Minister of Transport and wife
Report says Minister Mebe Ngo’o has heartlessly abandoned one of his former accomplices who is seriously sick and needs help.
According to Seme Ndzana’s Facebook post reporting the story, the information sent to his in-box is a confirmation of a secret that Lieutenant Colonel Mboutou Joel, the man arrested in France with more than one Billion Francs confided to a Senior State Officer at the Presidency.
According to the post, Minister Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o and a certain lady Dady have been partners in crime ever since he was Delegate General of National Security(DGNS). Minister Mebe Ngo’o needed the services of a trustworthy lady to handle his background affairs. Angele Mballa, a well known lady in the club of the big guns in Yaounde proposed her sister Dady to the services of the DGNS, who presented her to his wife Bernadette Mebe, in charge of public contracts.
The annual Billion of C FA Francs contracts for maintenance work at the Police and the supply of meters to Camwater to his friend Basile, were part of what Dady was to be doing for the DGNS
Seme Ndzana’s post continued that Mebe Ngo’o wanted to build a second hotel in Kribi, and as usual his new operations lady Dady was in charge of buying the construction materials, Chez Jaco, a Building Construction Material Supplier, that her boss recommended to her.
During the supplies, Dady also requested that some of the materials be supplied to her private construction site that Minister Mebe Ngo’o did not know. She too was constructing a giant building for herself in Yaounde, and at the end of the supplies, the total cost of all the materials presented to Mebe Ngo’o was around 800 000 000 F CFA(Eight Hundred Million Francs).
When Mebe Ngo’o learnt that Dady had double crossed him, he got very furious, but since Dady had him in her pockets, his voice could not rise beyond the walls of their meeting venue.
She had earlier brought in a marabout/ngambi man/babalawou from Nigeria, to assist Bernadette Mebe and remove her husband Mebe Ngo’o from the grip of one of his concubines Essama Ayissi, who had taken the man hostage for herself.
Meanwhile, Mebe Ngo’o too had asked Dady to bring him a jazz men too from India, to help him take over Paul Biya.
With all these information and others about Mebe Ngo’o in her keeping, he dared not threaten Dady for fear she would blow it to the fast spreading wind of the public.
All the Indian jazz men were working hard to unseat Paul Biya at the right time, and make Mebe Ngo’o more powerful.
However, things began falling apart when during the October 2, 2015 Cabinet Reshuffle, the almighty ruler of the Cameroon Defense Force Mebe Ngo’o was demoted to the position of an ordinary Transport Minister.
Mebe Ngo’o completely lost faith in Dady and her bench of marabouts, and took kilometers of distance from them, because neither did he retain his powerful position of Minister of Defense, but completely lost it to someone else, for the corner road position of an ordinary Minister of Transport.
Powers had drifted away from his hands, and the juicy contracts that Dady was controlling had been shifted to another authority, so she became useless to him, and lost all the glorious moments of fortunes and privileges she enjoyed as his backbone.
Not long after the separation, Dady seriously fell sick, and needed to be evacuated. The estimated cost for her treatment abroad was as high as 20 000 000 F CFA(Twenty Million Francs), so she cornered her former master for help, and he listened to her for old time sake, but gave her only a peanut of 4 000 000F CFA(Four Million Francs), plus a flight ticket to France, and that then blocked all her contacts.
Dady is said to be dying, and with the waves of turbulence all around Minister Mebe Ngo’o right now, his right hand engine Lieutenant Colonel Mboutou who is presently sweating his ass to pull himself out of the more than One Billion scandal found in his brief Case in France, is opening all his human outlets to release every dirty little secret clothing the Mebe Ngo’o person.
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