The VIP bus that left Yaounde in the morning for Buea, had a break down before Edea, and its passengers were transferred into another bus.
Following the accident the MBS Management just after 7 :30am this on Monday 31st of October, 2016 gave a more recent update of the situation of the victims. This is what got from from the update by Besong Glory Depita ,
“Some Musango staff just paid visits to our driver, Mr Abdu who has some pains but is more or less fine. He is from hospital after a very detailed check up.
Our mechanic, George, just got out of surgery. He is now very conscious, talking and eating. His scans reveal only a leg fracture.
These two were the only ones in the MUSANGO Bus. There were no passengers on board.
The driver of the truck unfortunately did not make it as per information we just got from CRTV News. That is the only death recorded.
We regret all the wrong rumours that have been spreading and only plead with you, our faithful passengers and readers to help us continue to inform the public that all those were empty rumours started by a TV station whose facts we cannot ascertain its genesis.
MUSANGO BUS SERVICE remains very focused and will continue to do all to ensure that we transport our passengers safely everyday with the best service possible.
Thank you for trusting MBS. We appreciate all those who have called us, texted us and helped us ensure that the right information is out there.”
May God bless you all” Besong Glory Depita, the MBS Management wrote.
Meanwhile below are some photos taken from the accident scene yesterday

Source : alafnet