A positive personality will have more of an impact on your personality than any other factor. Your physical diet has a large level of diet and energy if you eat fresh, healthy, high quality foods of all kinds and avoid the foods that are bad for you, you will have more energy, you will generate resistance to most deceases and have more energy, sleep better and feel healthier and happier.
In the same way your mental diet largely determine your character and your personality and almost everything that happens to you in life. When you feed your mind with positive ideas, books, conversation, inspirational videos and positive people you develop a more positive and constructive personality. You become more influential and persuasive, you enjoy greater self confidence and self esteem.
Those people who work with computers use the expression GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). But the reverse is also true.
Good in Good Out.
When you make a clear and unequivocal decision that you are going to take complete control over your mind, eliminate the negative thoughts, that have held you back in the past, and become a completely positive person. You can actually bring about your own personal transformation.
Mental fitness is like physical fitness, you develop high levels of self esteem and a positive mental attitude with training and practice.
Here are the 7 keys to become a completely a positive person.

(1)Positive Self Thoughts

Speak to yourself positively, control your inner dialog, use positive affirmations in the present tense. For example
  • I like myself
  • I am a success
  • I am healthier now
  • I have a lot of money in my possession
  • I make wise decisions
  • I am responsible
  • I can do it
This is how top people think most of the time.
95% of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself as you go through the day.
This is called inned dialog, these are streams of words and thoughts that cross through your mind during the day. The sad part is that if you do not deliberately and consciously talk to yourself in a positive way, you will by default think about things that will make you unhappier. Remember your mind is like a vacuum it will not remain empty. I you don’t fill it with positive thoughts it will be filled with negative thoughts.
Your mind is like a garden. If you do not deliberately plant flowers tend them carefully, wides will grow without any control. If you don’t think positive thoughts and take good are of them, negative thoughts will grow in your mental garden without any efforts on your part.

(2) Positive Visualization

The most powerful ability that you have is the ability to visualize , see your gaols as already accomplished. See your life as ideal in every way.
The way to do this is to create a Clair picture of your gaols and replay this picture on the screen of your mind over and over again.
The rule is that all improvement in your outer life comes as an improvement in your mental pictures. The images your hold about yourself and your gaols. An you completely control the pictures that your play on the screen of your mind. As you see yourself on the inside you will start to be that person on the outside.

(3) Positive People

Your choice with the people with whom you live and work with will have more of an impact in your emotions and your success than any other factor.
So decide today to associate with positive thinking people. People with goals, and ambitions. People who are going some where with their lives.
Avoid negative people at all cost. Negative people are the primary source of most life unhappiness. So resolve from today onwards that you are not going to have stressful or negative people in your life.

(4) Positive Mental Food

Just as your body is healthy to which you eat healthy and nutritious food, your mind is healthy to the degree to which you feed it with mental protein. Read books magazine and articles, that are educational, inspirational or motivational.
Feed your mind with information and ideas that are uplifting, that will make you feel happy and more confident about yourself and work. Feed your mind continually with positive messages.

(5) Positive Training and Development

Almost everyone in our society starts ups with limited resources, virtually no money at all. Virtually all fortunes begins with the sales of personal services of some kind. All the people who are at the top today where once at the bottom.
Jim said: Formal education will make you a living but self education will make you a fortune.
When you dedicate yourself in learning and growing and becoming better in what you do, becoming effective in your thoughts and actions. You take complete control of your life.

(6) Positive Health Habits

Take excellent care of your physical health. Eat excellent foods, healthy and nutritious, and you eat them with proper balance. An excellent diet will have an immediate effect on your taught and felling. Resolve to get regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day. When you exercise on a regular bases you feel healthier and happier. Get ample rest and relaxation. Seek balance in your life.

(7) Positive expectations

Having positive expectation is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to become a person and to ensure a positive outcome and better results in your life. Your expectations become your own self fulfilling prophesies. When you expect with confidence seems to come into your life. You can control your expectations. You should always expect the best. Expect to be successful.

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